Friday, August 22, 2008

So what?...

I have this funny feeling that sometimes the select few of us in the world "overestimate" our age. We are the young people who could have a better conversation with a 60 year old man from Alabama, then we could with a group of kids we grew up with.

I'm 20 years old, and I'm trying to push my dreams as if i was 65. I sometimes feel like i don't have enough time, or I'm too old to really do what I want and should give up and settle now.
But i have come to that conclusion that i just "overestimate" my age. 

We really have the time to get what we need done. Just because the media makes it seem that the older you get the less likely it is that your dreams of fame, traveling, or being successful will happen doesn't make them true.

it's a crock of shit. we HAVE the time we just take it for granted.

my advice:
keep doing what you're doing because eventually that first piece will chip away and you'll begin your journey. and if an obstacle gets in the way, stay TRUE to your heart. do not always put other people before yourself, because who's going to put you in front of their own well being? no one. 

Even if you go for what you want, and you fall... you will never live with the regret of never giving it your best shot.

my quote of the night:
"so what?"


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So it's been a while....

so..i realize it's been a while and i think to keep myself sane, i need to get back into this.

let's go with a topic first: Music

The music has been going well! I'm discovering a good amount of new places that can help out in terms of booking shows, and getting my name out there. The album is doing good, from what i hear most people like it and honestly that was my biggest fear. "will people like my record?" i mean i know it's my first album, but just the idea i was wishing people would dig. in terms of a "message" being sent through my music ( not too much of a cliche), i feel like time will send the message itself.

ok, NEXT topic : Love Life

well, i'll keep this short mainly because i don't have much to say. 
It's a strange feeling knowing that all you thought you knew was wrong for you. Kind of finally putting down the facade and realizing maybe certain feelings weren't meant for certain people. I always claim, however, that my life is a movie....i still believe it. given the right time, right girl, and the right soundtrack.... things will fall into place.

I think i'll keep the last one general: LIFE's just been such a funny thing lately.

i said to a friend of mine the other day... 
"it's like solitude heals the cut, and nature is the band-aid."
I honestly don't know if that makes sense to anyone but myself, but i wouldn't be blogging if i didn't want to find out!
I mean we all need time alone, it's obvious. But when has time alone ever felt perfect? when has that car drive, with no destination and the right CD, just felt so perfect in time? I always tell people ..
"i got nothing but time, and a full tank of gas."
it's a cheesy quote i know, but it honestly leaves so much room for exploring and it's a wild idea, you know? just getting in the car and driving with no place to go but forward.

then forget it! Seeing things that were just built to be natural, and have stayed that way blow your mind! it's like therapy......just FREE! haha

what i say is...if you have the means, please try it. it is so choice! 
just get in your car and drive! see what the surrounding world really has to offer you...and when you get back let me know how you feel.

hmm my quote of the day...

"never die young"

got to love james taylor.
