So I'm home from the Poconos!!! well actually I've been back, i just haven't had much time to sit down and write (not that I'm trying to neglect you or anything!), but i just needed time to reflect.
on what...i still don't know.
Now i thought going to the Poconos was going to be this eye opening experience where I'd truly find myself out among the wild.....no homo.however, and my luck..none of that happened.i did however come across a great discovery, and probably the main idea of me going up there anyway. And that is realizing how living on my own would be. i mean i wasn't deathly afraid of being by myself, i knew i could take care of myself, and i found things to do.....and that was in the middle of the woods!! haha so i think I'm fairly capable of living alone and enjoying space with no one to fill it but myself.
i think that was the real deal behind me going up there. It's just funny how u go somewhere expecting soo much, and come out short of that expectation...but if you step back and take a look at what you've done, you'll find a lesson learned from it.
i think with these blogs I'm going to start a quote of the blog...i most likely won't be able to remember who I'm quoting from unless it's myself...but i think i got a good one to start off:
"it's bullshit, and it's bad for you"-George Carlin
enough said.